Microsoft and Child accounts......again

So Microsoft still make this child account thing more difficult than it should be. Today I decided to try and set up child number three with his own MS account. I added him to family and this sent him an email with the contents:
a@b.c would like you to join their family as a child.....Accept Invitation
Clicking on the link resulted in a link to login to MS or create a new account. Clicking create new account resulted in a URL not found error.

I then decided to just try and create his account via the normal MS create new account process ( However I could get as far as creating his account and verifying his email address but this was invariably followed by:
There's a temporary problem with the service.
 Googling showed that I'm not the first person to see this so it obviously isn't temporary - cannot-verify-microsoft-account-theres-a-temporary from 2017. My guess is that once you've invited a child via a link then trying to create the accout via causes some internal error that results in the above.

I was about to give up and start afresh when I tried the original emailed accept family invitation link again. Weirdly this time it worked and I was able to create his account. My conclusion is that it takes a bit of time for the MS steam engine to get the right things in place behind the scenes. If this happens to you, be patient before trying the accept invitation link.


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